
Code of the field of study


Full name of the field of study / specialty 


Level of education

Specialty Degree

Mode of study

Full-time, part-time, extramural

Duration of study

5,5 years (full-time) or 6 years (part-time, extramural)

State-funded places

50 (full-time)

Fee-paying places

20 (part-time), 20 (extramural)

Tuition fees

121 128 r. (part-time), 97 536 r. (extramural)

Language of study



Faculty of Mining and Technology 

Head of the program

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Roman Melnikov 


About the program

Students will learn the technologies of development of mineral deposits and their geological structure, study mining machines which allow mining ore, and many other things. The acquired knowledge and skills allow our graduates to hold high-paying jobs at mining enterprises – from mining foreman to chief engineer and head of the enterprise. 

During the whole period of study, students participate in the scientific activities of the university, take part at international conferences and win prizes at profile competitions. 

Main disciplines:

-       Underground Mining of Mineral Deposits

-       Processes of Underground Mining of Ore Deposits

-       Mining Fundamentals 

-       Technology and Safety of Blasting Operations

-       Safety of Mining Operations and Mine Rescue Service

Practice, internship, and employment

The long-term cooperation of the Polar Branch of “Norilsk Nickel” with leading foreign companies and universities in the Arctic region opens up prospects for students to travel abroad for a foreign practice. 

Graduates in the specialty "Mining" are in demand at the enterprises of the world companies specializing at the mineral resources and fuel and energy complex. They are also required in project and research organizations of various profiles, in organizations operating in the field of underground construction and environmental management and at mining enterprises of Norilsk and throughout Russia.

Our partners

“Taimyrsky” mine, “Komsomolsky” mine, “Oktyabrsky” mine, the Norilsk providing complex, and others. 

Head of the program

Acting Head of the Department "Development of Mineral Deposits", Candidate of Technical Sciences, Roman Melnikov.



Code of the field of study


Full name of the field of study / specialty 


Level of education

Bachelor’s degree

Mode of study

Full-time, part-time

Duration of study

4 years (full-time) or 5 years (part-time) 

State-funded places

15 (full-time)

Fee-paying places

15 (full-time), 20 (part-time)

Tuition fees

223 370 r. (full-time), 107 804 r. (part-time)

Language of study



Faculty of Electric Power, Economics and Management

Head of the program

Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, Alla Monich


About the program

This program is aimed at preparing highly qualified managers and analysts for leading Russian and foreign companies, state management bodies, research centers and universities. Fundamental training in the field of modern economic theory is combined with a deep study of applied disciplines and active scientific and practical work.

What will students learn?

A specific feature of the training program is the participation of students in the Laboratory of Social and Economic Research in the Arctic, created together with the Norilsk Development Agency.  Working in the Laboratory, students solve issues of regional development, gain skills in developing financial models and business plans and interact with business structures of the city.

Main Disciplines: 

-       Microeconomics

-       Macroeconomics

-       Finances and financial and economic systems

-       Investments

-       Basis of economic theory

-       Finance statistics

-       Money, credit, banks

-       Theory of industrial markets

-       State and municipal finances

-       Accounting and operational activities in the bank

-       Taxation of individuals and legal entities

-       Securities market

-       Corporate finance

-       Macroeconomic planning and forecasting

-       Organization of the activities of a commercial bank 

-       Internet entrepreneurship 

-       Financial environment and business risks 

-       Financial management 

-       Exchange business 

-       Business valuation

Our partners

Divisions of PJSC MMC “Norilsk Nickel”, including:

-       Accounting Department

-       Economic Department (Department of budget control, department of planning and cost analysis of ancillary production, planning and economic department of the Copper plant, planning and economic department of the enterprise "Unified Inventory Management", etc.)

-       Facility Security Management

-       Corporate Project Management, etc.

-       Credit and financial organizations, including PJSC Sberbank, PJSC Rosbank, PJSC VTB, etc.

-       Department of Economics of the Norilsk City Administration

-       The management apparatus of the Motor Transport Association "TSATK"

-       The management apparatus of LLC "Norilsk providing complex"

Head of the program

Head of the Department of “Economics, Management and Organization of Production”, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Alla Monich.



Code of the field of study


Full name of the field of study / specialty 

Electric Power and Electrical Engineering

Level of education

Bachelor’s degree

Mode of study

Full-time, part-time, extramural

Duration of study

4 years (full-time), 5 years (part-time), 5 years (extramural)

State-funded places

30 (full-time), 25 (part-time), 0 (extramural)

Fee-paying places

5 (full-time), 10 (part-time), 20 (extramural)

Tuition fees

250 650 r. (full-time), 121 128 r. (part-time), 97 536 (extramural)

Language of study



Faculty Of Electric Power

Head of the program

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Alexey Petrov


About the program

The program includes fundamental training in natural science and general engineering disciplines. When creating the educational program, the best world practices of training specialists in the field of engineering and technology were used.  

We train specialists in the field of electric power industry who are able to design, operate and repair everything related to electricity from light bulbs to power lines.


Main Disciplines:

-       Devices of electric machines 

-       Design of power supply systems for enterprises 

-       Rules of electrical installations

-       Electric machines 

-       Relay protection and automation

-       Electric stations and substations

Practice, internship, and employment

There are two laboratories at the department, these are "Schneider electric" and "Digital Electric Power Engineering". They give students the opportunity to get engaged in scientific activities with leading specialists of the department, publish articles and participate in scientific conferences.

Our partners

OJSC “Norilsk-Taimyr Energy Company”

JSCP MMC “Norilsk Nickel”

Head of the program

Head of the Department of “Electric Power and Automation”, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Alexey Petrov. 


Code of the field of study


Full name of the field of study / specialty 

Civil Engineering

Level of education

Bachelor’s degree

Mode of study

Full-time, part-time

Duration of study

4 years (full-time), 5 years (part-time)

State-funded places

40 (full-time), 0 (part-time)

Fee-paying places

5 (full-time), 15 (part-time)

Tuition fees

250 650 r. (full-time), 121 128 r. (part-time)

Language of study




Head of the program

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Mikhail Elesin


About the program

The program combines theoretical principles and practical skills for conducting production activities in the field of construction and installation works.

Purpose of the program

To prepare highly qualified and competitive specialists in such areas as: – research  and design activities - engineering research for construction, reconstruction of buildings and structures – testing of samples of products made by enterprises of the construction sector – the use of standard automation packages for design and research.

Disciplines of the program:

-       Architecture of buildings 

-       Architecture of the Norilsk Industrial district 

-       Water supply and sanitation 

-       Durability of building structures 

-       Life support of Arctic cities 

-       Reinforced concrete and stone structures 

-       Computer graphics 

-       Wooden and plastic constructions

-       Metal structures, including welding 

-       Mechanics of permafrost soils 

-       Soil mechanics 

-       Inspection and testing of structures 

-       Organization of planning and management in construction 

-       Foundations and footings 

-       Fundamentals of architecture and building structures 

-       Fundamentals of scientific research 

-       Fundamentals of organization and management in construction 

-       Fundamentals of building construction technology 

-       Application software packages 

-       Design of reconstruction of buildings and structures 

-       Building materials 

-       Heat supply and ventilation 

-       Technical operation of buildings and structures 

-       Technological processes in construction 

-       Technology and organization of reconstruction and repair

Practice, internship, and employment

Students and graduates can solidify their knowledge, gain practical experience and subsequently get a high-paying job in the structural divisions of PJSC MMC “Norilsk Nickel” and the “Norilsk Nickel” group of companies: 

LLC "Norilsknikelremont" 

LLC “Zapolyarnaya Construction Company” 

LLC "Production Construction and Installation Company" 

LLC "Norilsk providing complex" 

JSC "Norilsk-Taimyr Energy Company" 

LLC "Bear Creek", etc.

Head of the program

Head of the Department "Construction and Heat, Gas and Water Supply", Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Mikhail Yelesin.



Code of the field of study


Full name of the field of study / specialty 

Technological Machines and Equipment

Level of education

Bachelor’s degree

Mode of study

Full-time, part-time, extramural

Duration of study

4 years (full-time), 5 years (part-time), 5 years (extramural)

State-funded places

10 (full-time), 10 (part-time), 10 (extramural)

Fee-paying places

15 (full-time), 10 (part-time), 10 (extramural)

Tuition fees

250 650 r. (full-time), 121 128 r. (part-time), 97 536 (extramural)

Language of study



Faculty of Mining and Technology

Head of the program

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Andrey Fedorov


About the program

The program trains specialists who will be able to ensure the smooth operation of technological equipment of any metallurgical production.

Proper modeling, operation of transport and technical machines and equipment help to improve productivity, reduce material costs and energy intensity, and save resources. The development of new machines and improving the quality of their parts will always be relevant for enterprises of the metallurgical, construction and road fields.

One of the features of the program is project training which involves the consolidation of competencies in the implementation of real projects and gaining long–term knowledge. The introduction of new technologies requires a comprehensive approach from mechanical engineers at all stages (design, production, operation, repair, planning and management), therefore, when training future specialists, we use the best computer equipment and computer-aided design systems such as AutoCAD, COMPASS and APM WinMachine.

Main Disciplines:

-       Technological lines and complexes of metallurgical productions. 

-       Fundamentals of automated design of metallurgical machines. 

-       Methods of modern design of metallurgical machines. 

-       Dynamics and strength of metallurgical machines. 

-       Reliability, operation and repair of metallurgical machines.

Our partners

Enterprises of Norilsk Industrial District and PJSC MMC “Norilsk Nickel”: “Norilskproekt” Institute, Highway and Snow Management, PGP “Norilskgeologiya”, mechanical plant, copper plant, nickel plant, LLC “Norilskrudoremont”, PO “Norilsktransremont”, Motor Transport Association “TSATK”, processing plant.

Head of the program

Acting Head of the Department "Technological Machines and Equipment", Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences,  Andrey Fedorov.


Code of the field of study


Full name of the field of study / specialty 

Automation of Technological Processes and Productions

Level of education

Bachelor’s degree

Mode of study

Full-time, part-time, extramural

Duration of study

4 years (full-time), 5 years (part-time), 5 years (extramural)

State-funded places

15 (full-time), 10 (part-time), 15 (extramural)

Fee-paying places

5 (full-time), 10 (part-time), 10 (extramural)

Tuition fees

250 650 r. (full-time), 121 128 r. (part-time), 97 536 (extramural)

Language of study



Faculty of Electric Power Engineering

Head of the program

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Alexey Petrov


About the program

The program trains specialists in the field of automation who are able to design, maintain, operate and adjust equipment for complex systems of technological processes.

What will students learn?

They will learn to design electronics, make drawings and plans, compile and read technical documentation, carry out diagnostics and control, investigate the reliability of production systems, design in 3D, analyze product quality, program and much more.

Laboratories "Schneider electric" and "Digital Electric Power Engineering" are organized at the department. Students are engaged in scientific activities with leading specialists of the department, are published in specialized journals, participate in scientific conferences.

Main Disciplines:

·       Electrical and Electronics engineering 

·       Design of automated systems 

·       Automatic systems for controlling technological processes

·       Theory of automatic control 

·       Fundamentals of microprocessor equipment

·       Synthesis of control systems

Practice, internship, and employment

After the 2nd year, students begin practical training at the enterprises of PJSC MMC “Norilsk Nickel”, thermal power plants, plants of the Norilsk industrial district. 

Senior students successfully combine their studies and work in their specialty.

Our partners

JSC “Norilsk-Taimyr Energy Company”, PJSC MMC “Norilsk Nickel”.

Head of the program

Head of the Department of "Electric Power and Automation", Candidate of Technical Sciences, Alexey Petrov.



Code of the field of study


Full name of the field of study / specialty 

Ground Transport and Technological Complexes

Level of education

Bachelor’s degree

Mode of study

Full-time, part-time, extramural

Duration of study

4 years (full-time), 5 years (part-time), 5 years (extramural)

State-funded places

25 (full-time), 0 (part-time), 20 (extramural)

Fee-paying places

10 (full-time), 15 (part-time), 10 (extramural)

Tuition fees

250 650 r. (full-time), 121 128 r. (part-time), 97 536 (extramural)

Language of study



Faculty of Mining and Technology

Head of the program

Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Andrey Fedorov


About the program

Our specialty covers the creation and operation of transport, lifting, construction, road, municipal and special engineering facilities.

What will students learn?

One of the features of the program is project training which involves the consolidation of competencies in the implementation of real projects and gaining long–term knowledge. The introduction of new technologies requires a comprehensive approach from mechanical engineers at all stages (design, production, operation, repair, planning and management), therefore, when training future specialists, we use the best computer equipment and computer-aided design systems such as AutoCAD, COMPASS and APM WinMachine.

Main Disciplines

·       Construction of lifting and transport machines 

·       Design of construction and road vehicles 

·       Automated design system for lifting and transport, construction and road vehicles 

·       Operation of lifting and transport, construction and road vehicles 

·       Reliability of lifting and transport, construction and road vehicles

Practice, internship, and employment

Starting from the position of a master or engineer, our graduates eventually occupy the positions of chief engineers and managers of enterprises of the chosen profile.  Specialists in construction of roads, railways, building and lifting equipment are in demand always and everywhere. There are no problems with employment – many students receive a job offer even during their internship.

Our partners

The main partners in the educational process are many enterprises of the Norilsk Industrial District and PJSC MMC “Norilsk Nickel”:

·       “Norilskproekt” Institute,  

·       Highway and Snow Management 

·       PGP “Norilskgeologiya” 

·       Mechanical Plant 

·       Copper Plant 

·       Nickel Plant 

·       LLC “Norilskrudoremont”  

·       PA “Norilsktransremont”  

·       Motor Transport Association “TSATK” 

·       Processing plant

Head of the program

Acting Head of the Department "Technological Machines and Equipment", Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Andrey Fedorov.


Code of the field of study


Full name of the field of study / specialty 

Information Systems and Technologies

Level of education

Bachelor’s degree

Mode of study


Duration of study

4 years 

State-funded places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees

250 650 r. 

Language of study



Faculty of Electric Power Engineering

Head of the program

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Mikhail Petukhov


About the program

We prepare students to solve professional problems of designing, developing, implementing, and operating information systems and a wide class of technologies in accordance with the principles of performance, reliability, and security.

What will students learn?

·       the principles of teamwork in project activities

·       how to use modern development tools

·       how to work with information processes

·       how to organize projects (including testing, version control and distributed development)

·       how to choose the best tools and methods for their configuration, production and usage, etc.

Main Disciplines

·       Database design

·       Intelligent systems and technologies

·       Mobile application development

·       Corporate information systems

·       System analysis

·       Database administration

·       Theory of information processes and systems

·       Discrete mathematics

·       Data management

·       Information security and information protection

·       Operating systems

·       Methods of modeling production systems

·       Neural networks

Practice, internship, and employment

Students of this specialty successfully undergo practical training and internships at various enterprises and offer new solutions to relevant issues in various fields. 

Students of the department are regular participants of hackathons, IT forums, contests, become grantees and organize cyberforums.

Our partners

·       Copper Plant

·       Nadezhdinsky Metallurgical Plant named after B.I. Kolesnikov

·       Center for engineering support of production

·       “Norilskproect” Institute

·       Control and analytical management

Head of the program

Head of the Department of "Information Systems and Technologies", Mikhail Petukhov.



Code of the field of study


Full name of the field of study / specialty 


Level of education

Bachelor’s degree

Mode of study

Full-time, part-time

Duration of study

4 years (full-time), 5 years (part-time)

State-funded places

25 (full-time), 0 years (part-time)

Fee-paying places

5 (full-time), 25 years (part-time)

Tuition fees

250 650 r. (full-time), 121 128 r. (part-time)

Language of study



Faculty of Mining and Technology

Head of the program

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Olga Nosova


About the program

We train specialists in the field of metallurgy who will be able to work at metallurgical, chemical, processing enterprises and in analytical and research laboratories.

Main Disciplines

·       Technological processes and devices for processing mineral and man-made raw materials

·       Methods of research of processes, materials, products 

·       Quality management systems, mathematical models

·       Ways to create an eco-friendly and safe production

·       Theory of pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical and electrometallurgical processes

·       Metallurgy of heavy, light, rare and precious metals

·       Mineral enrichment

Practice, internship, and employment

Our department has a unique laboratory base where it is possible to conduct scientific research and conduct works on pyro-, hydro-, electrometallurgy, enrichment, ecology, life safety.

Traditionally, our graduates and students successfully participate in the international case championships "MetalCup" and "CaseIN".

One can get working specialties at the department: an apparatchik in hydrometallurgy, a smelter, an electrolyzer of aqueous solutions, an analytical chemist. Besides, graduates can work not only as technologists, but also as environmentalists and designers.

Our partners

The Copper Plant, Nadezhdinsky Metallurgical Plant named after B.I. Kolesnikov, Center for Engineering Support of Production, “Norilskproekt” Institute, Control and Analytical Department.

Head of the program

Head of the Department of "Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals", Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Olga Nosova.



Code of the field of study


Full name of the field of study / specialty 

Applied Informatics

Level of education

Bachelor’s degree

Mode of study


Duration of study

4 years 

State-funded places


Fee-paying places

Tuition fees

250 650 r. 

Language of study



Faculty of Electric Power Engineering

Head of the program

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Mikhail Petukhov


About the program

The educational program provides students with profound knowledge of economic and applied nature. The student acquires practical skills in solving economic problems using modern technologies.

Graduates can work as system analysts, information systems specialists, programmers, research and development specialists, project managers in the field of information technology.

Main Disciplines

·       High-level programming techniques

·       Programming technologies

·       System analysis

·       Databases

·       Digitalization of economic processes

·       Theory of information processes and systems

·       Discrete mathematics

·       Data management

·       Database design

·       Intelligent systems and technologies

·       Information security and information protection

·       Operating systems

·       WEB programming

·       Neural networks

·       GameDev

Practice, internship, and employment

Students of the specialty are guaranteed a paid internship in the most developed IT companies of the city, in the best departments of development and administration.

Students of this direction have skills in the field of frontend and backend development. They work with the latest technologies, frameworks from Google and Facebook. They focus on WEB development, executing large orders from IT companies of the country, gaining important experience of working with the customer.

Our partners

·       Polar Branch of OJSC MMC “Norilsk Nickel” - general service Center

·       Department of Informatization and Communication of the Administration of Norilsk

·       NMP named after B.I. Kolesnikov

·       Housing Fund Management of the Norilsk City Administration

·       The Copper Plant

·       Private Educational Institution, Corporate University “Norilsk Nickel”

·       LLC Norilsk Airport 

·       LLC "KVAZAR"

·       LLC "Norilsknikelremont"

·       Management apparatus

·       Municipal Unitary Enterprise "NPOPAT"


Head of the program

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. Head of the IST Department, N.M. Fedorovsky KSU. A graduate of Skolkovo, Mikhail Petukhov



Code of the field of study


Full name of the field of study / specialty 


Level of education

Bachelor’s degree

Mode of study

Full-time, part-time

Duration of study

4 years (full-time), 5 years (part-time)

State-funded places

15 (full-time)

Fee-paying places

5 (full-time), 20 years (part-time)

Tuition fees

223 370 r. (full-time), 107 804 r. (part-time)

Language of study



Faculty of Electric Power Engineering, Economics and Management

Head of the program

Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, Alla Monich


About the program

Highly qualified managers are in demand in all markets of the world. They are responsible for the stable competitiveness of the company. 

Setting up, planning and optimizing processes in production facilities, in educational and cultural institutions, in banking, as well as in the export-import foreign market – these are the competences of a manager.

What will students learn?

Our students gain fundamental knowledge in all types of management (theory, finance, strategy, project management, investment).

The training of graduates meets the requirements for the management of large high-tech companies. 

A special feature of the training program is the participation of students in the Laboratory of Social and Economic Research in the Arctic, created together with the Norilsk Development Agency.  Working in the Laboratory, students solve issues of regional development, gain skills in developing financial models and business plans and interact with business structures of the city.

What else you will learn:

·       how to manage teams and enterprises

·       how to build an effective work strategy

·       how to create business plans  

·       how to conduct market analysis

·       how to successfully solve management tasks of any level of complexity

Main Disciplines:

·       Methods of management decision-making 

·       Financial management 

·       Quality Management 

·       Analysis and diagnostics of financial and economic activity of the enterprise 

·       Competitiveness Management 

·       Business communications 

·       Organization and regulation of labor 

·       Organization of production

Our partners

Divisions of PJSC MMC “Norilsk Nickel”, including: Accounting Department, Economic Department (Budget Control Department, Department of planning and cost analysis of ancillary production, Planning and Economic Department of the Copper Plant, Planning and Economic Department of the enterprise "Unified Inventary", etc.)

• Facility Security Management

• Management of corporate projects, etc.

• Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 25

• Credit and financial organizations, including PJSC Sberbank, PJSC Rosbank, etc.

• Pension Fund

• Department of ensuring the activities of the Administration of Norilsk

• Department of Economics of the Norilsk City Administration

• The management apparatus of the Motor Transport Association "TSATK"

• The management apparatus of LLC "Norilsk providing complex"

• Small and medium-sized businesses

Head of the program

Head of the Department of “Economics, Management and Organization of Production”, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Alla Monich