the northernmost university in russia


11 programs
356 state-funded places
310 fee-paying places
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grad school

6 programs
36 state-funded places
120 fee-paying places
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6 programs
2 state-funded places
30 fee-paying places
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Development projects

Campus of the Polar State University


The construction of a new campus of PSU is one of the main development projects of the University for the next few years. This applies not only to the construction itself, but also to the prospects of higher education in the whole Polar Region.

It is not a secret that sometimes students who graduate from the university and come to work for the enterprises of MMC “Nornickel” cannot adapt to the specifics of working in the Arctic while having excellent skills and abilities.

Our new campus will help to attract and educate a large number of students from other cities and make here real northerners out of them.

Arctic Permafrost Center

Arctic Permafrost Center

Fedorovsky Polar State University is the only university on Taymir and in the Norilsk industrial district which defines requests to it for personnel, research and engineering support of key projects in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation both for public and private clients.

The main purpose of this Center is to organize and conduct permafrost research on the territory of Taymir and Norilsk industrial region as well as to attract industrial and scientific organizations to cooperation in this sphere.

The center’s developments may become the basis for the work planning under the Norilsk renovation program until 2035. In this program all the peculiarities of engineering and geocryological conditions will be taken into account and only the technologies which will pass experimental-industrial tests on the territory of permafrost polygons of the Arctic Center will be used.

Center for Technological Entrepreneurship

Center for Technological Entrepreneurship

With the support of the Norilsk Development Agency (NDA) and “Nornickel” Company, The Polar State University (PSU) became a participant in the federal project “Platform of University Technological Entrepreneurship”.

The acceleration program was implemented with the involvement of 10 partner organizations which act as customers for technological tasks.

Aspiring innovators are going to take a two-month educational and technological intensive course with the participation of more than 30 experts of the National Technology Initiative.


Public Joint Stock Company “Mining and Metallurgical Company "Norilsk Nickel”
Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “Norilsk Development Agency”
Norilsk City Administration